Wednesday, 21 December 2016

what if he hates me

Over the last month I have been dealing with thoughts or anxieties like I have not experienced before. I question everything like friendships and relationships and overthink to each and every other degree that I am no longer good enough. I'm scaring my boyfriend away. What if he hates me? I've been flaky or distant or become overly sociable but full of regret after. I post online and delete right away or the day after because I'm feeling annoying or insecure.

It's making my brain ache with overthinking who am I and have I suddenly perceived who I do not know if is entirely me. It is starting to affect me creatively as well and I now have to  get back to what is important to me. What I need to focus on and learn from this. 

I can't sleep again and it's affecting my mood. I lie awake not knowing what is wrong with me. Have I overthought myself insane?